Well, another season, another lackluster result: Stew and I didn't fire a single shot this morning, though we both had (very) small groups land within 15 feet of us. This wraps up a season of shotless Saturdays that started off so well for me. On the very first day of the season, I shot 4 times and came away with my limit of three wood ducks - two drakes and a hen. Then, for some reason, the ducks just stopped showing up.
But we didn't. I think I've converted Stewart. We're leaving my parent's house in a couple of hours to head down to Bass Pro Shops. He needs a pair of waders so that he can stop borrowing dad's. Maybe he'll even find some 16 ga. steel shot. But I'm not getting my hopes up.
Oh, also, the third SG Catfish Lake trip is coming up on the second weekend of March. All y'all who are going, get yer' gear ready!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
My One Word: Week Three
Today's blog is brought to you by the letter "P," and the number "3!"
Today's word is "present." And not the kind you get for Christmas or your birthday. I'm talking about the time: right now. "Now" was almost my word for this week, but even I don't know what I'd do with it. I came upon this word when I was sitting on the couch yesterday, feeling puny because of a relentless sinus headache that ravaged me from 9 am till 10:30 pm. And as I was sitting there, I kept thinking about all of the things around the house that I'd let pile up and that I could have taken care of yesterday. Stuff like laundry, and dishes, and even the Christmas lights still hanging up on the tree in our front yard. Yes. Still.
BAM! And it hit me: if I'd taken care of those things when they had arisen, my headache would still be around, but the feeling of a wasted day would be lessened. I knew then and there that I had been living in that time between times where you go, "I'll do that little bit tomorrow," and then tomorrow you add to the problems instead of resolving them, even though you're adding only a little bit at a time. That's still the wrong answer.
I have to live more in the present! If I take care of today's tasks and issues today, then tomorrow I don't have to worry about today's and tomorrow's to-do's. Then, on the weekends, I can sleep in, kill a headache, and not feel worse because I also killed a perfectly good day that could have been spent productively.
2 Tim 2:15 says this: "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." There's that word again: "present." If I utilize my time wisely, doing things as they come up and not pushing them aside until the next opportunity rolls around, then I'd feel like a pretty unashamed workman. But this verse takes it further. I also have to handle the "word of truth" correctly. So, not only am I responsible to work hard today, I also have the responsibility of keeping my walk with God up-to-date. And now, since Kara and I are about to step boldy into that weird, wide world of Christian counseling, I've got to be even more prepared so that others can see God in me and through me. That's my responsibility as a Christian. And it's something that has to be attended to right now, in the present.
Today's word is "present." And not the kind you get for Christmas or your birthday. I'm talking about the time: right now. "Now" was almost my word for this week, but even I don't know what I'd do with it. I came upon this word when I was sitting on the couch yesterday, feeling puny because of a relentless sinus headache that ravaged me from 9 am till 10:30 pm. And as I was sitting there, I kept thinking about all of the things around the house that I'd let pile up and that I could have taken care of yesterday. Stuff like laundry, and dishes, and even the Christmas lights still hanging up on the tree in our front yard. Yes. Still.
BAM! And it hit me: if I'd taken care of those things when they had arisen, my headache would still be around, but the feeling of a wasted day would be lessened. I knew then and there that I had been living in that time between times where you go, "I'll do that little bit tomorrow," and then tomorrow you add to the problems instead of resolving them, even though you're adding only a little bit at a time. That's still the wrong answer.
I have to live more in the present! If I take care of today's tasks and issues today, then tomorrow I don't have to worry about today's and tomorrow's to-do's. Then, on the weekends, I can sleep in, kill a headache, and not feel worse because I also killed a perfectly good day that could have been spent productively.
2 Tim 2:15 says this: "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." There's that word again: "present." If I utilize my time wisely, doing things as they come up and not pushing them aside until the next opportunity rolls around, then I'd feel like a pretty unashamed workman. But this verse takes it further. I also have to handle the "word of truth" correctly. So, not only am I responsible to work hard today, I also have the responsibility of keeping my walk with God up-to-date. And now, since Kara and I are about to step boldy into that weird, wide world of Christian counseling, I've got to be even more prepared so that others can see God in me and through me. That's my responsibility as a Christian. And it's something that has to be attended to right now, in the present.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
My One Word: Week Two (and a half)
One word a week is tough! "Grow" was so good that it's been hard to really decide if I wanted to pursue the few other words I've been thinking about. Yet, if I say I'm going to have four to choose from, I'd better follow through.
Week two's word is "intent," which of course tends to make one think of "intentional," and that's okay. But I'm leaning more towards the motivation-end of the connotations. If I can focus more on my motives, then I think that I'll automatically become a little more intentional with my actions and thoughts. I almost chose to pursue the word "think," as in "Think your thoughts," the challenge Mike Æ-craft talked about over a year ago.
"Intent" will cause me to focus on a specific effect of "grow" - my relationship with others. If I can identify my motives, I think I'll be able to approach people more honestly and purposefully. An example would be when dealing with a friend whose salvation I'm not sure of. I can worry and fret over the ill-desired response they may have if my intent lies in trying to "save them," which is impossible, because we can't save anyone; or, if my intent is to talk with them solely as a means for God to use me as a conduit for Him, then I've alleviated all pressure to "perform" in order to get a desired result. I guess, now that I think about it, that in this example, it's somewhat of a trust issue. That's another thing I intend to work on this year.
Week two's word is "intent," which of course tends to make one think of "intentional," and that's okay. But I'm leaning more towards the motivation-end of the connotations. If I can focus more on my motives, then I think that I'll automatically become a little more intentional with my actions and thoughts. I almost chose to pursue the word "think," as in "Think your thoughts," the challenge Mike Æ-craft talked about over a year ago.
"Intent" will cause me to focus on a specific effect of "grow" - my relationship with others. If I can identify my motives, I think I'll be able to approach people more honestly and purposefully. An example would be when dealing with a friend whose salvation I'm not sure of. I can worry and fret over the ill-desired response they may have if my intent lies in trying to "save them," which is impossible, because we can't save anyone; or, if my intent is to talk with them solely as a means for God to use me as a conduit for Him, then I've alleviated all pressure to "perform" in order to get a desired result. I guess, now that I think about it, that in this example, it's somewhat of a trust issue. That's another thing I intend to work on this year.
Monday, January 5, 2009
My One Word: Week One
For the past two years, Port City Community Church (PC3) has been experimenting with a simplified approach concerning New Year's resolutions. The idea is to pick one, and only one, word to define a single trait or concept that we'd like to adopt or create within ourselves in the coming year. We pick our one word individually, but we also pick a word for our Small Group, and another for the entire congregation. The website myoneword.org explains it all better than I did here.
My word for this past year was actually two, so in effect, I cheated a little. My first word was "lead," as in "leader." This year, I've been praying for God to transform me into a person who didn't shun responsibility, into someone who didn't fear the idea of being accountable for the well-being of others. My second word was "husband," and in my mind, it was the more important of the two: I wanted to be a better leader of my family, and to love my wife the way she needs and deserves to be loved. Now, I can't say with certainty how successful I've been in carrying out the purposes of those two words: first of all, I'll forever be working on those goals, and second, the people around me are the best judges of my progress, so only they can honestly say if this year has been a success or not.
This year, because I feel like I was moderately successful, I've decided to take it a step further. For each week of January, I'm going to define my purposes and thoughts behind a new word. At the end of the month, I'll pick My One Word for 2009.
This week's word is "grow." This word just hit me this week, and while very simple, it covers a very wide range of things that I'd like to accomplish this year:
(1) Quite literally, I'd like to Grow a garden this year. Nothing big or fancy, just something that mirrors the power and wonder of God providing for us with things we ultimately have no control over. Plus, it requires me to be responsible for something other than myself, so in a very loose way, it's a continuation of "Lead."
(2) I'd like to Grow as a follower of Christ. I mean, if I wasn't dissatisfied with my walk with God, then I would not be looking at myself honestly. That leads me to...
(3) I'd like to Grow closer to every member of my Small Group. We're all pretty close already - we talk about everything. But I'd like to accept that proverbial "yoke of leadership" that in a small (or maybe even large) way makes me a little responsible for their spiritual growth. Remember, this whole leadership thing is new to me, so I'm still learning. I need to Grow, and the only way to do that sometimes is through experience.
(4) I'd like to Grow my Small Group. This is a painful one, but it's true. We're supposed to "multiply" in order to make room for new members, but it's so hard to have fledgling leaders leave the nest, so to speak. It ultimately and ideally means that they leave the group to start their own. It's hard to say goodbye, even though I know I'll see them more than I think I will. Yet, that's our purpose, after all - to Grow and create new Small Groups for the people we will love and walk with, yet don't yet even know. Growth is usually painful.
(5) I'd like my family to Grow. This one scares me most of all, because it hinges on the one thing that I feel I have absolutely no control over: money. Therefore, it's the one thing that God has all control over. Further still, it's the one step of faith that hardest for me to make. No one wants to take a financial leap of faith.
(6) I'd like to Grow my business. This is yet another responsibility that scares me because of the financial repercussions. This past year was a nightmare, economically speaking, but if I don't trust God over the financial geniuses of Wall Street, then where is my faith?
That's the gist of it. "I'd like to" is synonymous with "I fear having to" in all cases above except #1, and can also be exchanged with "I really don't want to" because of laziness, fear, and a lack of faith. But that's why it has to change, and it's the purpose of My One Word. We pick a word that is specific, and not normally one that has so many implications as "grow." So next week, I'll work on creating a word that is more focused. Speaking of that, it's time I get focused on getting ready for work.
P.S.: Mike and Kirsten, Jesse and Erin, drive safely, and we're still praying for you.
My word for this past year was actually two, so in effect, I cheated a little. My first word was "lead," as in "leader." This year, I've been praying for God to transform me into a person who didn't shun responsibility, into someone who didn't fear the idea of being accountable for the well-being of others. My second word was "husband," and in my mind, it was the more important of the two: I wanted to be a better leader of my family, and to love my wife the way she needs and deserves to be loved. Now, I can't say with certainty how successful I've been in carrying out the purposes of those two words: first of all, I'll forever be working on those goals, and second, the people around me are the best judges of my progress, so only they can honestly say if this year has been a success or not.
This year, because I feel like I was moderately successful, I've decided to take it a step further. For each week of January, I'm going to define my purposes and thoughts behind a new word. At the end of the month, I'll pick My One Word for 2009.
This week's word is "grow." This word just hit me this week, and while very simple, it covers a very wide range of things that I'd like to accomplish this year:
(1) Quite literally, I'd like to Grow a garden this year. Nothing big or fancy, just something that mirrors the power and wonder of God providing for us with things we ultimately have no control over. Plus, it requires me to be responsible for something other than myself, so in a very loose way, it's a continuation of "Lead."
(2) I'd like to Grow as a follower of Christ. I mean, if I wasn't dissatisfied with my walk with God, then I would not be looking at myself honestly. That leads me to...
(3) I'd like to Grow closer to every member of my Small Group. We're all pretty close already - we talk about everything. But I'd like to accept that proverbial "yoke of leadership" that in a small (or maybe even large) way makes me a little responsible for their spiritual growth. Remember, this whole leadership thing is new to me, so I'm still learning. I need to Grow, and the only way to do that sometimes is through experience.
(4) I'd like to Grow my Small Group. This is a painful one, but it's true. We're supposed to "multiply" in order to make room for new members, but it's so hard to have fledgling leaders leave the nest, so to speak. It ultimately and ideally means that they leave the group to start their own. It's hard to say goodbye, even though I know I'll see them more than I think I will. Yet, that's our purpose, after all - to Grow and create new Small Groups for the people we will love and walk with, yet don't yet even know. Growth is usually painful.
(5) I'd like my family to Grow. This one scares me most of all, because it hinges on the one thing that I feel I have absolutely no control over: money. Therefore, it's the one thing that God has all control over. Further still, it's the one step of faith that hardest for me to make. No one wants to take a financial leap of faith.
(6) I'd like to Grow my business. This is yet another responsibility that scares me because of the financial repercussions. This past year was a nightmare, economically speaking, but if I don't trust God over the financial geniuses of Wall Street, then where is my faith?
That's the gist of it. "I'd like to" is synonymous with "I fear having to" in all cases above except #1, and can also be exchanged with "I really don't want to" because of laziness, fear, and a lack of faith. But that's why it has to change, and it's the purpose of My One Word. We pick a word that is specific, and not normally one that has so many implications as "grow." So next week, I'll work on creating a word that is more focused. Speaking of that, it's time I get focused on getting ready for work.
P.S.: Mike and Kirsten, Jesse and Erin, drive safely, and we're still praying for you.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Fourth Saturday
I'm just checking in on the busiest week of the year. And by "busy," I mean "laid back." Yeah, it works in my head. Go with it.
So, last Saturday, was a Saturday. And the next day was Sunday, but since there was no PC3 that day, it felt like a second Saturday. Then New Years Day, in the middle of the week, felt like a third Saturday because Wednesday felt like a Friday. Now, tomorrow is the fourth Saturday, because even though it's been a full 7 days since the first Saturday happened, the small work week that we've had doesn't even feel like it should be called a week!
So, Kara, Stewart and I are on our way to Mom and Dad's house. Stew and I will be hunting ducks (if the lousy things feel like flying) and Kara will be hanging out with Mom. Or sleeping.
I'll let you know how we did. Until then, keep checking Paschal's blog to be updated with his brother's condition. And KEEP PRAYING! Don't stop until the worst is over and the best is here.
So, last Saturday, was a Saturday. And the next day was Sunday, but since there was no PC3 that day, it felt like a second Saturday. Then New Years Day, in the middle of the week, felt like a third Saturday because Wednesday felt like a Friday. Now, tomorrow is the fourth Saturday, because even though it's been a full 7 days since the first Saturday happened, the small work week that we've had doesn't even feel like it should be called a week!
So, Kara, Stewart and I are on our way to Mom and Dad's house. Stew and I will be hunting ducks (if the lousy things feel like flying) and Kara will be hanging out with Mom. Or sleeping.
I'll let you know how we did. Until then, keep checking Paschal's blog to be updated with his brother's condition. And KEEP PRAYING! Don't stop until the worst is over and the best is here.
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