Monday, December 15, 2008

All I Want For Christmas...

... is nothing.
Well, that's a vicious rumor. That I just made up. And plan to spread.
The truth is, there are limitless (well, perhaps that's too strong a word, but the point still carries) items and trinkets that I want, and getting them as gifts for Christmas would mean that I wouldn't have to pay for them. There just aren't many things that I need. Does anyone else feel like that?
I have the option of getting a PSP (Sony's handheld videogame system) complete with two games (Ratchet and Clank, and Echochrome) *Note: Why do I not have an option to underline in blogspot? Bold and italics, yes. Underline? DENIED!* as well as a movie (National Treasure 2). Or, my other choice is a nice, fresh pair of Oakleys. Both are desirable, but neither are exactly practical. See, I work in the construction industry. There's no room for $150 shades, or any videogames, for that matter. But, I can enjoy either one equally on the weekends.
But I don't need either one of those things. They're simply desirable. I already have plenty of things to occupy my time, like a PS3, DVDs, books a'plenty, etc. And, polarized glasses can be picked up at Wal*Mart for around 15 bucks.
So, therein lies my dilemma, and the underlying question behind this whole post: why do I feel the need to ask for things I don't need and can reasonably justify not having? Am I conforming to a social ideal that states that everyone must want something for Christmas? Or, am I simply allowing the congenital greed and modern commerciallism to attack me, finding some twisted pleasure in having to define my level of contentment?
Know what I really want for Christmas? The simplicity will drive you mad. I want to be with my family. Of coarse, by that I mean my wife, my sister, my parents, and their frail little dog. That's understandable. And that will indeed happen on Chirstmas Eve, and on through till probably Saturday.
But I also want to share Christmas with my other family: my SG. Yeah, yeah, yeah... sappy. Unpredictable, to some of you. But I don't care if it's sappy, cliche', or any of the other wonderfully appropriate words that could be used to describe it. I'm a social creature, despite any evidence from my mostly solitary adolescence.
So, if any of you are interested, email me, and I'll be more than happy to send you my list of things I don't really need. Feel free to buy any of the items listed, at your leisure, and I'll be grateful that I didn't have to ruin the budget this Christmas. And that alone will make for a very, very happy new year!

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